quinta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2008

The Case Continues

Ute Lemper foi integrante de movimentos de vanguarda na extinta República Federal Alemã e integrou o grupo de artistas e intelectuais em torno de Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Filha de médico e de uma cantora lírica, Lemper alia beleza física, presença cênica e timbre vocal inigualáveis para interpretar um repertório tão amplo quanto eclético, assinado por Kurt Weill, Tom Waits, Nick Cave, Elvis Costello, Phillip Glass, além de compositores alemães de operetas de cabaré, que ela resgatou do esquecimento histórico.

No vídeo ela interpreta The Case Continues (Neill Hannon/Joby Talbott), música do disco The Punishing Kiss (2000).

Eis a letra:

The victim was a woman a woman in her prime
The suspect was a lover he had no alibi
The weapon was a phone call in the dead of night
You know I never really thought you had it in you
The case continues

The suspect was a cruel self-motivated man
He held the victim's heart in the palm of his hand
The motive is a mystery I'll never understand
The final cut went deep down to the very sinew
The case continues

Why did the blood-stained sheets that burned turn quite so cold
My only crime was passion wild and uncontrolled
If sex were an Olympic sport we'd've won the gold
Oh tell me that there's still a little love left in you
The case continues

The final cut went deep down to the very sinew

The case continues

The victim is in shock there's not much more to say
The suspect made a smooth and silent get-away
The scars may slowly heal but they'll never go away
I only hope that one day you understand just what I've been through

The case continues

I only hope that one day you understand just what I've been though

Oh tell me that there's a little love left in you

The case continues

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